Sitting up straight at the front of --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- your chair, take a deep breath and --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- raise your arms out to your sides, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- shoulder height, palms facing down. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Flex your hands, fingertips pointing --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- toward the ceiling. Spread your fingers --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- wide apart and press out through the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- heels of your hands as you exhale. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Draw your fingertips back toward --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- your head as you inhale. Feel the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- increased energy flow down your arms. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Make your body as wide as you can. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Keep your shoulders relaxed and down. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Breathe deeply 3 to 5 times. Release --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- your arms slowly down to your sides.